WHS Project Graduation MISSION Statement:

The Parents, Community & Staff of Eanes ISD seek to provide an after party for graduating Westlake High School Seniors on the night of their graduation in a way that...

  • involves, invites and encourages all graduating Seniors to participate.
  • provides for a variety of fun-filled activities that last all night.
  • allows for a safe, chemical-free environment.
  • promotes a clear, no-use message for alcohol under the legal drinking age and a clear, no-use message for all illegal drugs.
  • involves the Community
  • is fiscally responsible

so that the last school event for all graduating Seniors of Westlake High School will be a safe, fun and memorable experience.





Project Graduation began in Oxford Hills, Maine, in 1980, as a way to prevent the type of tragedies that Oxford Hills had experienced in 1979, when 7 teens died due to alcohol and other drug related activity after graduation commencement.  The community rallied together to offer the 1st ever alternative to the "traditional" graduation - night drinking event.  By 1986, Project Graduation was held in all 50 states. 


The primary aims of Project Graduation activities are to increase awareness of the dangers of drinking, illegal drug use and driving.  And to reduce the number of youths involved in alcohol and other drug-related accidents and deaths.


In the Austin area, most high schools provide some version of the "Project Graduation" event.  Westlake High School is one of the few schools that holds the event on their high school campus, allowing the graduates the opportunity to roam the decorated halls of their alma-mater one last time with their friends.  


One thing that makes Project Graduation different is the attitude of the students. By purchasing a ticket to attend the Project Graduation event immediately after Graduation Ceremonies, they have made a decision to enjoy their graduation night without alcohol or other drugs, and instead share this last night of being a Chap having fun with their friends. 


Project Graduation event is organized by WHS Parents and funded through the generous donations from Parents and the Community in both time and money. 

EISD provides NO funding for this event.


**See more information at Project Graduation (maine.gov) website.




Ever wonder what fun and exciting activities there are at Project Graduation?  

Dodge Ball, Casino, Silent Disco, Fortune Teller, Toddler Wall, Cash Cube, and MORE!  


What about the FOOD?

No worries!  There will be tons of food from local vendors for everyone! 


Will there be PRIZES?

You will be amazed at all the prizes to be won!



Just a little refresher to make sure you are having a ball...




Do not consume alcohol, drugs, tobacco products, or any other illegal, intoxicating, or hallucinogenic substances before or during Project Graduation.



Do not leave the Project Graduation premises. 

Your exit is final and no re-entry will be allowed under any circumstances.



DO ride the bus from the WHS Graduation site to the WHS Project Graduation celebration. 

DO be prepared to have a good time!